Heavy Metals and Weight Loss

Can’t lose weight no matter what? Could the weight loss culprit be something as inconspicuous as the fillings in your mouth?

It is widely accepted that metal toxicity can impair neuroendocrine function. Simply put, this means that normal thyroid function can be impaired from toxic metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead and others.

Because we emphasis a longevity approach to life long fitness and weight loss, one of the key areas that everyone needs to be aware of these days is the affect toxic metals can have on your physiology and weight loss goals.

Toxic metals are metals that are not required or of use to your bodies chemistry.  Mercury is the example we are all probably most familiar with. Toxic metals can also be variations of metals for which there is a biological use, but in the wrong form are toxic.

For the purpose of weight loss, or an inability to lose weight no matter what, the effect of toxic metals on thyroid function and estrogen production becomes of particular interest.

Impaired thyroid function, specifically the impairment of T4 to T3 conversion will act like an invisible force field around your body fat. No amount of diet or exercise will be of use for someone with sufficiently impaired thyroid.

There is both good scientific evidence that metal toxicity can impair endocrine (thyroid) function. Equally interesting, and perhaps more compelling, is the hands on anecdotal results a number of specialty clinics around the country see with metal toxicity and weight loss.

When we look at the scientific evidence for toxic metals and impaired thyroid function, there are numerous studies indicating lead, cadmium, and mercury with impaired thyroid function.

One such study from the Institute of Immunology and Microbiology at Charles University in Prague demonstrated that autoimmune thyroditis was successfully treated by removal of dental amalgam.

While the debate about mercury and dental amalgam rages in the scientific community, there is compelling real world evidence to consider.

One such example is famed strength coach Charles Poliquin. He routinely trains world class athletes and Olympians at his facility in Arizona. One of the common tests individuals seeking weight loss are put through at Palanquin’s facility is a test for mercury toxicity. Poliquin has had very good results on numerous occasions with weight loss on individuals who could not lose weight no matter what the protocol, by simply putting them on a metals detox.

What we can say for sure is this

1.    Toxic Metals in your body are undesirable
2.    Toxic metals may impair thyroid function in certain individuals
3.    If you cannot lose weight, and have a lot of amalgam, you may consider a protocol to remove toxic metals.

This is a growing science. You can find quite a few doctors around the country now specializing in longevity and metals detoxification. The first thing you need to do is get a blood workup. For a couple of hundred dollars, someone specializing in metals detox can tell you where you stand.  Many doctors are utilizing intravenous chelating therapy, which involves passing an IV with a chelate, or a binding agent to pull metals from your tissues. Until, then, a few immediate and practical things you can do are the following

1.    Take a concentrated fruit and vegetable supplement.  The heavy concentrations of free radical scavengers, super foods and natural catalysts can be helpful in removing metals from your body in ways that vitamins alone can not. This is one of the reasons Daily Greens Complete is our #1 recommended supplement.

2.  Take an EDTA Suppository.
EDTA, or ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid, is an amino acid used to pull metals from your tissues. One of the more popular products is Detoxamin. It’s not cheap, and you take it as a suppository, but 1 cycle can remove most if not all of the toxic metals in your body.
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